Are You Culturally Alert?
How to Effectively Counsel your African-American Client’s.
Presented by:
Tiy-E Muhammad, Ed.D., Christopher Bass, Ph.D.,
and Adrienne Harrison Berry, Ed.D.
Saturday May 4, 2019 | from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
(6.5 Core CE’s – LPCs, LCSWs, & LMFTs)
(LPCA CE Approval #8110-19)
Clark Atlanta University
Clement Hall | Atlanta, GA 30314
Workshop Description:
The program is designed to enlighten the therapist on the grounds of being Culturally Alert. Culturally Alert counseling is defined as a consistent readiness to identify the cultural dimensions of clients’ and counselors’ lives and to integrate culture into counseling work. The program is designed to cover the following: (1) Understanding the socially constructed worldviews of the African-American culture (2) Why are Spirituality and religion highly important and integral to most African-Americans. (3) The family is often broadly defined as extended networks of family members and friends. (4) Communication is often expressive, highly animated, and creative. (5) Vernacular English or Black English is a means of bonding with other African Americans. (6) Discrimination is a societal reality for many African Americans. (7) Body language says more than the verbal.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognizing and addressing microaggression in therapy (how is the Counselor/Client Relationship impacted by Cultural Alertness)
- Increase understanding of the socially constructed world-views in the African-American Community
- How to recognize and respond to external biases relating to the African-American culture in therapy